Thursday, July 27, 2006


A few days ago when I posted several prayer requests, little did I know that I few days later that I'd be posting my own! Unfortunately, I have contracted a sinus infection that has taken a lot out of me - this is another reason I haven't posted much. I also have a swollen lymph node - and the doctor is very concerned about. Apparently, the lymph node problem has nothing to do with the sinus infection. Your prayers would be appreciated that I would recover quickly and that nothing serious would be wrong with me. Thank you!

While I'm "away", here's an article at by Carolyn McCulley (who also blogs at Solo Femininity). The article, What to do in the meantime, deals with a question that I've asked so many times myself. Here's a peek,

QUESTION: My nineteen-year-old daughter has graduated high school and is attending the local college. She wants to get married and have children. My question is this: what is she supposed to do with her time? Does she pursue a degree? Get a job? We've prayed and so far are not getting much direction. We've raised her to believe her role is to be a wife and mother but what if that's not where she ends up or what if it's not for ten years? Does she stay at home with us? At what time does she strike out on her own? She is our oldest child so this is uncharted territory for us! Just as a side note we have gone the courtship route and she has not found anyone yet.

ANSWER: A question like this requires a balancing act of tact and faith from my end. As an older never-married woman, I’m certainly glad I pursued an education as well as professional and personal interests. Though God has not (yet) answered my prayers for marriage and children, I have led an interesting, varied and full life serving others in the church and on the job.

Continue reading Carolyn's column here.

What are your thoughts on Carolyn's column?

Update: Jennifer at Jennifer's Musings posted on why she is thankful for her father's authority. This post is outstanding and I agree with her completely. I'd encourage every young lady to read it!

Related posts: Homeward Bound and Let's Talk