Monday, July 24, 2006

Prayer Requests

Some of you may have heard about 16 year old Abraham Cherrix who has cancer and is fighting for his life. Abraham had cancer last year and was treated with chemo. When it returned recently, he and his parents wanted to try alternative treatments. Unfortunately, the state has intervened and wants him to do otherwise.

Edit: The very latest on Abraham's case can be found here at Spunky Homeschool and here at the Rebelution.

Please continue to keep Abraham in your prayers!

Most of you are probably familiar with the Young Ladies Christian Fellowship blog where Natalie Nyquist and Gretchen Acheson (recently married to Merritt) have done such a wonderful job encouraging us young ladies. However, Gretchen's husband Merritt was in an accident this past weekend that has sent him to the hospital for numerous surgeries. Natalie has posted several updates here, but let's cover both Gretchen and Merritt in prayer as they move forward.
O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief. --Psalm 143:1
Unfortunately, posting will be light these next few days as well. I have several post ideas up my sleeve, but I also have an article that's (over)due for Regenerate Our Culture. I'm half way done with it...but half way isn't all the way!