Friday, July 14, 2006


Accountability: to answer for one’s conduct.

Does the idea of holding yourself accountable to God or someone else scare you? It does me. Yet, when my Grandma wanted to lose weight, an accountability system was a huge asset in meeting her goal.

Accountability is something that we all have to come to grips with. I am by nature a fairly self-motivated person, but I still need prodding and I can let some things slack. (Math?) Next year I am going to graduate. I can motivate myself to finish, but that’s hard to do. It’s also hard to eat some humble pie and ask for accountability. In this case, my parents, particularly my mom, are keeping me accountable. Being accountable isn't just an earthly matter. Ecclesiastes 3:15 says (emphasis added),

Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account.

When Jesus returns, we're going to have to account for what we did here on earth. Every single action will be accounted for - the good and the bad.

Many questions circle my mind when I think of this. Did we do the best of our ability to serve God? Did I redeem the time? Did we spend our minutes studying to show ourselves approved unto God or did we spend a little too much time blogging? (This is a big problem for me too.) Did we spend time in God's Word and encouraging others? Or do we spend time talking others about the latest gadgets and gizmos? The list is endless...the way we spend our time will have to be accounted for.

I hate when people ask me if I've done what I'm supposed to. Just like I'm sure my grandma hated it when she stepped on the scale and it tipped in the wrong direction. But she was willing to humbly submit to that for a greater goal she wantedto accomplish. I want to learn to embrace accountablity to accomplish a greater good. In the process, I'll have to eat a little humble pie I'm sure.

Just remember, we're going to be accountable to God for our actions. It's better to get comfortable with it now than to wait 'till Heaven when all is said and done!

Posted by Kristin