Saturday, June 24, 2006

Discussions Over Tea

Paul exhorts older Christian women in Titus 2:3-5 to invest in the lives of younger women: "Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled."

In an effort to apply this teaching, several wonderful Christian ladies (including my own mother) have begun a mother-daughter book study. We all meet together once every other week to read a chapter of a book on godly womanhood. Since no gathering would be complete without food, we usually schedule the book study so that we can all share a potluck dinner or "afternoon tea." All the daughters usually pile together on a couch as the mothers sip tea from their armchairs. Someone is nominated to read the chapter aloud, and then discussion inevitably follows.

Although we call this a "book study," we usually end up doing what girls seem to do best--talk. Yet the conversation isn't your normal, light chat. With their Bibles open, our mothers pour out the lessons that they have learned over the years. Sharing their hearts--sometimes tearfully--they recall past experiences and reflect on how God has worked in their lives. These conversations have been instrumental in drawing me ever closer to my mom, which has been a fantastic thing!

(Above: Friends at the book study)

Some of the most precious moments that I can remember have taken place at the book study. I have been amazed to find the very same feelings and struggles that I am going through have been present in the life of my mother or one of the other ladies. I have learned that wisdom gathered from years of growing spiritually is priceless, and I am grateful that these ladies have come together in an effort to pass on this wisdom to their daughters.

Do it Yourself!
Having a mother-daughter book study isn't just a learning experience--it is a lot of fun too! I would highly recommend for you to organize your own book study. Other activities that can be incorporated to make the time even more memorable are scrapbooking, tea time, and crafts. If you have any other great ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Book Suggestions:
  • Stacy McDonald's book, Raising Up Maidens of Virtue was the first book we read together. The questions at the end of each chapter were thoughtfully written and encouraged interesting discussion.
  • This next week we will be starting Girl Talk, by Nicole Whitacre and Carolyn Mahaney. Designed to spark insightful mother-daughter conversations on such subjects as modesty, purity, and true beauty, I know this will be a worthwhile read.
