Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Comfort Zones and Evangelism

I have a problem. Actually, I have lots of problems. My real problem is that I can't conquer my first problem. Yes, I definitely have quite a problem, wouldn't you say so?

So what is this problem? I don't want to come out of my comfort zone when I want to evangelize. It's not that I don't want to tell others about the gospel, it just has to be within my comfort zone. Really, I'm actually afraid that I'll be laughed at and scorned when I tell others about Christ. But that shouldn't matter. Jesus was laughed at when He was dying on the cross. Should I, a sinner, be willing to do a few things for HIM? Like spreading the gospel? I would think so. Jesus sure went out His comfort zone for me when He died on the cross.

One of my favorite Bible verses is Matthew 28:18 - 20:

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

God specifically commands us to take His Word and share it with others. When we procrastinate (something I can be good at) we're not obeying Him. While Jesus was here on earth, I don't think He procrastinated and said that He, a perfect man, couldn't eat with a sinner and share the Gospel. I don't think so. Jesus opened His arms to those who were lost. Why can't I?

I've been challenged lately to come out of my comfort zone and be a light to others. I babysit quite frequently and interact with children on a daily basis. I love to get down on their level and see life from their perspective and more than once, these opportunities to share my faith hace come up. I've just never been willing. It's sad when you think about it. Really it is. I am denying someone a chance to know Christ because I'm and can't come out of my comfort zone. How selfish.

I have been reading a lot about missions as well. I would love to take a missions trip one of these days. But I think God has been holding me back until I come out of my little zone and share Christ with those around me. Matthew 25:21 has encouraged me to be faithful with the small things:

'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.

Over the years, God has taught me quite a bit....and I'm excited. I just have to keep my eyes on Christ and remember that He is the one I should follow. He's my example. The more I focus on Him, the better I'll be.

From the archives of Spunky Jr.