Monday, April 06, 2009

Daring To Share: An Interview With Trish Ramos

Time to confess: when it comes to sharing our faith, the challenge isn't in finding an opportunity. At least, in our personal experiences we've found that we have plenty of words to say about the Gospel--the real challenge is finding the gusto to speak them.

Trish Ramos knows this fear intimately. As a regular on the nationally syndicated radio show, Wretched Radio (formerly known as "Way of the Master Radio") with Todd Friel, Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, Trish is always spreading the gospel to someone. But, she says, the battle with fear is still there.

BftH: In the past, were you ever afraid to share your faith? What changed?

Trish: After over a decade of sharing my faith, nothing has really changed. I’m still completely nervous--but I let my compassion for the lost swallow my fears. And I remind myself of what the proverbs say: “The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted.” (Prov. 29:25) If I meditate long enough on Hell it moves me to action. It moves me to press pass my fears and share my faith.

The next time you’re rejected for the Gospel's sake or someone takes your tract and throws it in the trash [I like to think] 'be like a bee.' A bee doesn’t sting the flower when it doesn't have pollen, it just moves on to the next flower to see if it can find pollen there. When you have a "bad" witnessing encounter, take courage friend and don’t get upset and "sting" the individual. Just move on to the next person.

Remember not to take it personal. It's the message they are rejecting. I'm comforted by Jesus' words that are for the Christian, “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you." (Matt 5: 11-12). Remember wherever there are people you have just entered into a witnessing encounter and it’s a win-win situation. You can never lose if you pass out a Gospel tract. Either the individual will get saved, a seed will be planted, or they will reject you (and God is in control, even in the hardening of their hearts.) There's no such thing as a "bad" witnessing encounter. Every time we share our faith it is a winning situation!

BftH: What sort of places do you recommend going to evangelize?

Trish: I love witnessing on college campuses. Well, let’s just put it this way…I’ll witness anywhere. Most students have an opinion on death, the afterlife, Heaven and Hell--so college campuses are very easy places to witness.

I enjoy running errands around town because it’s a great way to pass out Gospel tracts on the go. If I’m getting gas I’ll pass out tracts while the gas pump is doing the pumping for me. If I’m going to the store for milk and bread I’ll make sure to hand the cashier and everyone in line a catchy Gospel tract.

Sharing my faith often helps me to take my eyes off myself. A passion for the lost will do that to you. One day I was in a rush to leave the house to run errands. I quickly put on some makeup, got dressed, grabbed my car keys and off I was. I passed out several dozen tracts and I even had a good one-to-one talk with someone at the store. I got home and after several hours, looked in the mirror, and to my horror I forgot to put mascara on the other eye! Imagine that--a one-eyed mascara monster preaching the Gospel all over town. I'm glad God doesn't look at our outer appearance (1 Sam 16:7).

Trish Ramos blogs at Live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area? Meet Trish Ramos in person at our Beauty from the Heart: Dallas conference.