Monday, March 09, 2009

Doing What's Right...Come What May

President Obama promised Planned Parenthood during his presidential campaign that he would sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA.) As many of you are probably aware, FOCA would repeal the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and nullify parental notification laws. Thousands have signed the FightFOCA petition and are participating in the upcoming "Red Envelope Day"-- a day to flood the White House mailbox with empty red envelopes, each a poignant symbol of a life lost to abortion. (More info on Red Envelope Day here.)

I've signed the FightFOCA petition and my sisters and I have worked on red envelopes to send to Washington, but we know that the abortion issue extends beyond the bounds of the capitol. It's an individual woman who has an abortion. Even if abortion were to become completely legal in all circumstances, it's the individual who chooses to have an abortion. In order for abortion to be eradicated, it's the individual's heart that needs to be changed.

At the same time that FOCA is gaining attention, Advent Film Group has released it's first film: Come What May.

This timely movie was made by a team of homeschooling families on a micro filmmaking-budget. Lindsey and I have both watched the movie, and we can recommend it without reservation. The story surrounds a moot court team from Patrick Henry College, and addresses the issues of purity, abortion, and the question of when life begins.

Now, Come What May has been picked up by Provident Films, a major movie distributor (also the distributor of Fireproof and Facing the Giants), and will be released on DVD March 17th.

From an article on World Net Daily:
Harrisonburg Valley Family Forum director Dean Welty believes the time for the issue [abortion] to be given to American citizens is now.

"This movie tells how Roe v. Wade can be reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court," he said. "Moviegoers [at a screening] were excited or agitated on both sides, because the movie shows in a dramatic fashion how flimsy the legal footing stands for Roe." [...]

"We know that Christians love 'Come What May'", said Escobar. "What surprised us were the secular, pro-choice audiences, some of whom have told us that 'Come What May' is causing them to reconsider their position."

He cited the huge impact of recent low-budged movies, "Facing the Giants," and "Fireproof," as a sea change in the movie industry.

"Our mission is to change culture for Christ through media," said Escobar.
With so few movies promoting the sanctity of life, Come What May emerges with a conversation-sparking story that deserves our attention.

EDIT: George Escobar, director of Come What May is willing to answer any questions you might have about movie production, etc. in our comment section.
