Sunday, February 01, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request: Tyler Farver

LATEST: Thursday, 4/16, 7:10 PM. Tyler's been taken to the hospital again. Update here.

Tuesday, 4/14, 6:07 PM. Sunday night, Tyler was taken to the hospital because a drainage tube came out of his abdomen. He returned home early in the morning--and we're thankful he's okay. Today, he experienced more pain and is waiting for his Thursday CT scan to meet with the surgeon.

Good news--the surgeon believes that the abnormality on Tyler's wound is not a fistula and will not require surgery. Needless to say, this news was great to hear.

Due to excessive drainage, Tyler has decided that it is better not to eat for the time being and has banned himself from food. (Once he began eating last week, his pancreas "woke up" from the healing process in order to aid in digestion.) I'm amazed by his discipline and am thankful for God's grace that gives Tyler the patience to wait for healing.

Tuesday, 4/7, 10:54 AM. Tyler just walked in the door from a doctor's appointment--eating an Oreo. He then explained (grinning) that the surgeon says he's allowed to eat small portions now. We're so thrilled. God is so gracious and we are unspeakably thankful.

Another health concern has arisen; Tyler may possibly have a fistula, which could require another surgery. We are asking the Lord that surgery be unnecessary.

Thursday, 4/2, 2:57 PM. Tyler has been having a lot of good days lately. (We've posted an "interview" with him here, if you want to hear from him directly.) He's been listening to several audio books. Thanks for all the great recommendations!

Tuesday, 3/24, 3:48 PM. Before Tyler's appointment, his pancreatic drainage began fluctuating. There isn't a strong enough decreasing trend for him to be allowed food yet.

Right now, Tyler is trying to learn how to best his spend time on almost-bed-rest. If you have any book or audiobook suggestions for Tyler, we'd love to hear them.

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." (Psalm 73:26)

Thursday, 3/19, 1:24 PM. Pancreatic drainage decreasing dramatically every day (this was supposed to take about six months). We're daring to hope that--Lord willing--the pancreas will be healed by next Monday's check up with the surgeon. (Is that amazing or what?) We'd love it if you'd pray with us.

Monday, 3/16, 1:06 PM. Tyler's pancreatic drainage seems to be decreasing (a very good thing.) He's had some problems with the various tubes coming out of his abdomen, but otherwise, Tyler's hanging in there. He's read through many of your comments, both here and on The Rebelution, and is very much blessed by them.

3/12, 1:37 PM. We've been asked for an update on Tyler now that he's at home. His day usually starts with nausea and vomiting, then gets better after a while. In his words, "Then I sit around for the rest of the day."

He doesn't have the strength to do much yet, and we're still waiting on his pancreas to heal. Life is good and we're happy to have Tyler finally home, but looking forward to the full restoration of his health!

Saturday, 6:45 PM. As of noon today, Tyler is home! We're rejoicing and incredibly thankful that he has come so far. The pancreas is still in our prayers, but it looks as if it is healing (albeit very slowly.)

Stay tuned! We're hoping Tyler will write a post of his own to you in the next few days.

Thursday, 4:12 PM. Tests reveal today that Tyler's stomach has healed on its own! There is now no need for a stint to be inserted in the stomach.

Tyler's pancreas still hasn't healed, but it looks as if he'll be coming home on Saturday. After seven weeks in the hospital, we're all excited for him. He still won't be able to eat at home, as he will have a feeding tube until his pancreas completely seals. We're still praying that that will take place without addition surgery or more future hospital stays.

Monday, 10:34 PM. Pancreas is still leaking. Still praying it seals.

Friday, 1:06 PM. This morning, one of the tubes to Tyler's stomach came out without warning. His surgeon was then called in to re-insert the tube--a painful and disturbing experience, to say the least.

It's just an example of the kind of experiences Tyler has on a day-to-day basis these days. Right now, he feels caught in limbo (as do we all). His pancreas must heal before the procedure can be done to open his stomach (see my entry from last Sunday for more explanation on this procedure,) but the pancreas is very slow to heal.

Please be in prayer that the pancreas will heal soon. Our family has been strengthened and continually refreshed by God and His people, but Tyler's pain has surpassed that of childbirth and has been ongoing for the last 42 days. Tyler is exhausted and we are so very much yearning for him to be home and out of this constant pain.

"But may all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; may those who love Your salvation say continually, 'Great is the LORD!' As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me. You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God!" -Psalm 40:16

  • Wednesday, 11:33 PM. The procedure on Tyler's stomach has been delayed, as the doctors want to make sure its stitches are healed before doing anything to it. The pancreas is still leaking and Tyler is still in intense pain.
  • Monday, 11:55 AM. We're still in need of much prayer. Tyler's pancreas has begun to leak again. The doctor seems confident that this is natural, but Tyler finds the continual setbacks extremely discouraging.
  • Thank you for continually praying for Tyler and for showing so much love toward my family during the past five weeks. We're all (very) ready for this to be over, but we know God is faithful and never grows tired.
  • 2/22, 3:03 PM. On Tuesday, Tyler is due to have a procedure on his stomach. We don't know why the stomach does not seem to be opening, but we're praying that it isn't due to scar tissue. If it is indeed scar tissue, we'll be here at the hospital at least another week. If it's not, hopefully the doctor will be able to insert a stint and Tyler will be able to drink some Sprite that same day (Tyler hasn't been allowed food or even water for quite a while, so Sprite is a big deal). Then, the next day the goal would be to have a smoothie, and from there, real food. Needless to say, we are all hopeful that the stomach problem will prove to be minor.
  • 2/20, 7:19 PM. Great news today! It looks as if Tyler's pancreas has sealed. No more fluid leakage. The doctor is even considering removing his drainage tube!
    During physical therapy this morning, Tyler did walk up and down a flight of stairs using his crutches. This is an incredible feat for someone who has remained mostly on bedrest for over a month--but Tyler is extremely driven to regain his strength and return home.

    Today's tests did also discover that Tyler's stomach is not working properly (hence, his intense nausea.) We hope this will only be a minor issue and will soon be straightened out by a procedure this coming Tuesday.

  • 2/19 1:20 PM. Tomorrow, Tyler's Upper GI tract will be tested. The pancreas is still a big area of concern. Please pray that the tests will show healing in that organ. Thank you!

  • 2/17, 7:51 PM. Tyler was wheeled outside today for the first time since the accident. We took him to the hospital's garden where he sat and relished the outdoors. None of us wanted to return him to the hospital room.
  • Good news: Tyler's wound is healing. We're still lifting up his pancreas in prayer and we still have other concerns, but Tyler was elated when he found out his wound is better. "It's progress!" he exclaimed. "It's progress!"
  • 2/16, 10:56 AM. For all of you who continue to check back for updates on Tyler, thanks for your faithfulness to pray. There isn't much news to report--Tyler still has avoided surgery, but his pancreas is still leaking enough for concern. He is completely sick of being at the hospital (as you can imagine). We're hoping that he will soon make definite progress so we can have some idea of when he can come home.
  • 2/13, 6:06 PM. Good things are happening! As of today, Tyler's blood count is normal! His pancreatic leakage has decreased by about 90%. We're very thankful for this, and continuing to pray for further progress.
  • 2/12, 12:11 PM. We've been praying hard since yesterday that Tyler would be spared from another surgery. The doctor had said that barring a miracle, operation was unavoidable.
  • Well, today the doctor reported that he wouldn't be doing surgery for now. Tyler seemed to have made a bit of progress overnight. Right now, we're waiting and praying that Tyler will heal on his own and that another surgery will become unnecessary.
  • 2/11, 4:06 PM. Today, we were told that a third operation on Tyler is imminent. Tests indicate that the infection is originating from the stomach/pancreas area. We're praying that Tyler will have the strength to face this surgery and that this operation will be his last.
  • 2/10, 11:38 AM. Last night, Tyler suddenly went into shock for no apparent reason. The nurses thought it could've been due to a blood clot or even the sip of Gatorade he had taken. But this morning, it happened again.
  • EDIT: Today, Tyler was moved back to ICU. An infection was found in his blood. He'll be given a transfusion today.
  • 2/9, 4:35. My apologies for not updating sooner. I haven't known what to say in an update, since very little has changed.
  • The doctors are unsure what to think about Tyler's pancreas because they have never heard of a trauma patient receiving his extensive surgery and surviving from it. They have no other case to compare it with. We're praying that the doctors will have God-given wisdom, and that Tyler's pancreas will heal and seal.
  • 2/5, 3:53 PM. My sister, Miriam and I just returned home from the Post Office with multiple letters to Tyler. Thanks for taking the time send us mail! We've been delivering your cards and letters to Tyler at the hospital, and they mean so much--not only to him but to my entire family.
  • Tyler was able to sit up today and asked to borrow my laptop to get online. He read the comment section beneath this post and was overcome by all of the notes and prayers. Not only was it a milestone (he hasn't even had the energy to watch the TV in his hospital room, let alone sit up at a computer) but seeing the comments for himself has made all your messages hit home. We've told him of your prayers, but now he's actually seen some of the comments, letters, and emails with his own eyes.As for Ty's health, we're still praying his pancreas heals on its own (it's still leaking fluid into his system) and that he will gain more strength. Yesterday we received wonderful news that his red blood cell count is higher and his white blood cell count is lower (i.e. he is slowly getting stronger, and infection is lessening.)

    Even though Tyler is now at an enormous hospital (the doctors have seen it all), we were informed by Tyler's surgeon that he is a "miracle boy." We asked how long it usually takes for someone to have a total recovery from Tyler's operation/injuries and they said, "We don't know, because he is a first."

    Wow. We're amazed, weepy and incredibly thankful whenever we consider how God has chosen to save my brother's life. After meeting so many people whose family members in ICU have fared differently, we can't understand why God has chosen to bless us so immensely. We know we don't deserve it; but we're so very grateful that Tyler seems to be slowly healing, and that in Christ, God has given us hope to stand on for whatever the future holds.
  • Monday, 10:13 PM. Tyler was moved via ambulance to another hospital today. We're incredibly grateful that the ride was smooth and that his current location is 45 minutes closer to home. Our prayer requests are very much the same as before--for Tyler's encouragement, for no further infection (it looks as if what infection he has right now is easy to treat), for his body to start absorbing more nutrition, and that the healing process will continue.

    As more time passes, the more we have been given glimpses of God's sovereignty in this situation. The very fact that Tyler has always been athletic may have helped save his life. The fact that my mom has some training as a nurse has enabled her to ask the right questions and ensure Tyler received the very best care. Even today, when in the ICU waiting room at the new hospital, we "happened" to be seated next to a family of believers. We were then able to pray and praise God together.

    I do think I should mention that during our time at the hospital these past few weeks, we have met countless nurses with horror stories about other patients who have been paralyzed or killed from ATV accidents. Only today I met a woman who recently lost one friend and has another friend suffering brain damage--both due to accidents on their ATV's. Tyler is adamant that he will never ride one again, and although we realize that the vehicles are not inherently bad, we never had any concept of how dangerous they are.

    I just thought I'd throw out that information, so you can be more informed than we were.
  • 1/31, Saturday, 10:29 AM. We are hoping to move Tyler by ambulance to another hospital either today or tomorrow. It looks as if now he is fighting an infection, on top of everything else.
  • 1/28, Wednesday, 9:33 PM. Tyler came through surgery and is now resting up. His friend, Chris (see previous update) came to visit for the first time since the accident. It was good to see Chris up and moving well with his crutches.
    I've been asked whether Tyler wants to receive cards, etc. The answer is an adamant "yes!" When you're in the same hospital room 24/7, any messages from the outside world are most welcome! If you'd like to send Tyler a note, just mail them to Beauty from the Heart's address: PO Box 2013, Boyd, TX 76023.
  • Revised 2:03 PM. It looks as if Tyler is going to have another surgery either this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Only an hour or so ago, he went into for a CT scan which showed his pancreas is leaking fluid into his system and is not properly connected. I can't express how tough this is on Tyler and the rest of us, since we had been told he could possibly be released from the hospital this week.
  • 1/27, 9:36 AM. Update from Hannah: Tyler has been doing much better physically, so I have very little news to report. Please do keep his friend, Chris, in your prayers. Chris was also in the accident (his leg was broken in three places.) Today, he's having another surgery on his leg.
    As for Tyler, he has been improving remarkably well. (Hallucinations are gone. Yay for new pain medication!) Just the same, if you're accustomed to being extremely athletic and then find yourself confined to a hospital bed or wheelchair all day, it's easy to become depressed. We're praying for continued healing, pain management, and now especially for encouragement.

"I will sing of the steadfast love of the LORD, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations." -Psalm 89:1

  • Saturday, 3:16 PM.Update from Hannah: Sorry if this is scattered. Haven't gotten much sleep lately. Several people have asked me for an update, but it's hard to give one. Tyler is doing much the same as on Thursday (see last update). Our prayers are still for deep sleep (the pain medication Tyler is taking has caused hallucinations, which isn't conducive to rest) and for pain management. The fractured hip is excruciating to move, but the doctor wants Tyler to hobble around on crutches (to help is lungs and prevent pneumonia.)
  • 11:16 AM. Hannah just called me to let me know that Tyler has been moved out of ICU. God is good!
  • 1/21, Wednesday, 9:53 AM. Tyler's pancreas is working! Praise God for an answered prayer!
  • 1/20, Tuesday. Tyler isn't leaving ICU yet after all. Specific prayer requests are for no infection and no pneumonia.
  • 1/19, Monday, 5:11 PM. Update from Hannah: "We're still praying Tyler's pancreas will continue to function and produce insulin and that the pain will go down. This looks as if it will be a long journey of physical therapy and living in the hospital for the next month or so. In spite of this (and the fact that the hospital is 2 hours from our house,) we are unspeakably grateful that Tyler is stable and talking. The surgeon said he hadn't seen anything like the organ damage Tyler received. We know that God has been extremely gracious to us.
    I haven't heard all the details yet about Tyler's friend, Chris, who was also in the accident. His leg was broken in three places, but I do know that he is now resting at home. His cast is probably a big pain, as it extends all the way up his hip. I'm sure he would be very grateful for your prayers as well."
  • 1/18, Sunday, 2:04 PM. Update from Hannah: "Hey everyone. I'm on the hospital computer, but I just want to thank you all for your prayers. We're holding up and trusting in God's sovereignty, and Tyler is so encouraged by your prayers. He can't quite comprehend what has happened yet. He's off the ventilator right now, but we are praying that his organs will accept the surgery. Pretty much everything--stomach, pancreas, liver, kidneys, intestines, and spleen-- were either ruptured or disconnected. Please pray his body will accept the operation and begin to heal."
  • Saturday, 2:00 PM. Tyler is now in ICU, undergoing an emergency surgery. He has internal bleeding and damage to several organs.
  • 11:00 PM. Part of Tyler's pancreas has been removed. He's still on a ventilator right now in ICU. Pray for Tyler to remain stable, get off the ventilator, and avoid any infections. The Farvers are resting in God's loving sovereignty. Please continue to pray that the peace of God would enclose them.

What Happened: Hannah’s brother Tyler was in a UTV accident this morning (January 17th). Apparently he was riding through a field with his friend, Chris, at the time. While they were not even going full speed, they were unable to see the foxhole further ahead in the field. The UTV fell into the foxhole, throwing Tyler over the steering wheel and out onto the ground. The UTV's tires (we think) then rolled over Tyler's abdomen, as well as over Chris' leg (which is now broken in three places.) Tyler's condition is extremely serious-- they’re airlifting him to another hospital right now. Please lift him up in prayer, along with the Farver family.

"But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love..." Psalm 33:18