Thursday, April 02, 2009

Hmm. What do you think of this?

"I am persuaded that much of what we call love just isn’t love. Let me use marriage as an example. Maybe what a wife- and husband-to-be think is real love may not actually be love. It might be a woman who, not realizing the selfishness of her sinful nature, is actually shopping for a man whom she hopes will be the final piece of the puzzle of the dream that she has for her life. She shops through seemingly endless dating relationships until she finally finds him. She’s amazed and excited that she has found the 'perfect' man. She doesn’t have to bend the tabs to make him fit into the puzzle of her life. He already fits right into the space. Could it be that she doesn’t actually love this man? Could it be that she’s attracted to this man not because she loves him, but because she loves herself? Could it be that she’s excited that this man now appears like he will be the deliverer of all her claustrophobic, little kingdom-of-one dreams?"
-Paul Tripp, from the book The Power of Words and the Wonder of God. HT: The Purple Cellar