Thursday, March 26, 2009

Heaven, Two

In Heaven, we will worship constantly. And even with legions of angelic choirs, I cannot begin to imagine how the choruses will remain interesting. Repetitive lines can only last so long until the mind begins to wander back over nonspiritual territory.

But I suspect that the worship in Heaven will not exclusively be singing. After all, if Heaven means that God's elect have been justified and sanctified, then we will be as Adam and Eve in a pre-Fall state. We never read in Genesis of Adam or Eve singing--though I'm sure they did, as it is a very human thing to do. But if they were perfect humans, would that not mean necessarily that they worshiped constantly?

I wonder--maybe everything in their lives was worship. Exploring the Garden. Gallivanting with the animals. Talking to God. Eating, drinking--to the glory of God. What if it was all worship?

Of course, there will be singing-worship as well. We will sing, and I believe we will dance, too--though not in the seductive or I'm-here-to-steal-the-show kind of way. There will be music. With every old or new line our hearts will be more grateful, more adoring than ever before. The foil of sin around our hearts will be completely removed. We will give with abandon. We will love without holding back. We will discover that the meaning of every word we sing will grow with the number of times we sing it; expand with the number of times we remember what He has done.

It will be a party like no other, mixed with the feeling of adventure, the unknown, and endless (only wonderful) possibilities.