Thursday, April 10, 2008

Challenging Questions

Lindsey and I realize that the challenge we've been discussing--of translating our beliefs into action--is easy to forget. So in order to help in this area, we've formed a list of questions. They're really questions for the heart, and they are meant to be considered prayerfully. We hope they're helpful for you as well.

  • Do you act out of obedience to Christ and a passion for His glory--or your own?
  • How do you spend your time?
  • How much of your time per day is spent chatting with friends (online, on the phone or in person)?
  • How much of your time per day is spent daily in conversation with family members?
  • How much of your time is spent daily speaking to God?
  • How often do you meditate on the Cross? (Once a day? Once a week? Once a year?)
  • Do you set time aside every day for prayer and Bible study?
  • Do you try to faithfully obey God in public and at home?
  • Do you ask God for the grace to help you obey consistently?
  • What people, books, movies, etc. influence you the most?
  • Do you read books, watch movies, or listen to music that does not encourage your walk with Christ? Do you think this is wise?
  • Are your friends fellow Christians who are seeking after godliness? Or do they encourage you in gossip and ungodly thoughts?
  • If so, do you also join in that gossip and allow those thoughts to dominate your mind?
  • What are your main spheres of influence?
  • What steps could you take to become a stronger influence of a Christ-like attitude to friends, siblings, neighbors, relatives, etc.?
  • Do you actively serve in your community?
  • When making decisions, do you consider how they affect others?
Do you have any more questions to add?
Part One//Part Two//Questions To Consider//An Addendum
