Monday, April 07, 2008

The Challenge: Building Forts with Ribbons

"In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."
- James 2:17 (NIV)

When I was about seven years old, my friend Marie and I developed the brilliant plan of building a fort in our backyard. While Mom didn't say "no", she did caution us against placing our hopes too high. It was unrealistic that two little girls could build a fort (that was safe, at least).

As if the odds against us weren't immense enough already, Marie and I were also banned from using hammers and nails without adult supervision. (Thank you, Mom. That was a good rule.) A bit desperate, we finally found the materials for our fort: sticks from around the yard, and ribbon (yes, the kind used for bows on birthday presents.)

Did Marie and I succeed? With pathetic resources and even less experience, our prospects were dim. But in the end, the results weren't too shabby. Our finished product was a shelter that could fit two small people in a crouching position.

While it wasn't exactly Ft. Knox, the "fort" lasted two years until my dad eventually tore it down in order mow the grass growing inside of it. (If you're still not impressed, remember that we built the fort with ribbons. And it lasted two years. Yes, I'm still proud of it.)

Many current endeavors could easily be compared to my fort. When looking at our resources, it seems impossible to make even a dent into the mindsets of others. In the face of our culture, how do we expect our actions to carry weight? Isn't that a bit presumptuous? But if we think instead in terms of the individual, it all makes more sense.

Change starts in renewing our minds daily in Scripture. Change happens when we help our little brothers and sisters understand the Gospel. Change happens when we choose to put Christ on the throne of our lives, tossing out all that stands in the way of His being total Master of our hearts.

Whether or not our choices influence Hollywood is nonessential. What is vital, however, is to convince ourselves and those God placed around us, to derive their joy from Christ, not from Hollywood. "Changing the world" really means changing the world for individuals--helping a single person understand truth. We are called to love people, plain and simple. And if one person comes to see the beauty and glory of Christ more clearly through us, then all the effort is worthwhile.

So what is the challenge exactly? As I said before, it is almost embarrassingly simple; it is a challenge to change the mindsets and hearts of those around us, by first changing ourselves. While it's easy to read and write about inner beauty, the challenge is to apply this to real life. Much, much harder.

But it's comforting here to note that the change doesn't actually come from us. We're not working by ourselves. God is the initiator of everything, and there's no possible way to be faithful to this challenge without His constant grace. (Ephesians 3:2o) I like what Gary Haugen wrote:
"...there are those moments when we sense the call to goodness.... Indeed, it is the very reason for the journey and for our very being. We were created for good works, prepared beforehand... But drawing near the field, the clouds seem dark and the shadows long, and the challenge enormous. We doubt the joy and fear the risks. But wanting the good thing done, we ask, 'Where is God?' We may even turn to Him and say, 'You do it!' And lovingly our Father turns and beckons. 'Come, I'll give you a boost in the saddle. We shall ride together.' ...We have a ride, with work and glory before us--a worthy struggle to engage alongside our Lord. A struggle for which we were made."
(Terrify No More. Italics mine.)

With God's help, transformation doesn't begin with boycotts or ad campaigns. It begins with people who care so much about building forts that they'll use whatever they have, even if it's ribbons and a pile of sticks, to get the job done. Action bears fruit when people faithfully stay at the task until results happen. The challenge is not to change the world. The challenge is to act in obedience to the Savior, spreading the amazing truth He has entrusted to us, each and every day of our lives.

Who's with me?

Part One//Part Two//Questions To Consider//An Addendum
