Thursday, April 03, 2008

Don't Read This Post (If You Don't Want To Change)

I have an idea. It's not new or inventive, and it's only slightly radical; but I don't want to ever forget it.

Simply put, my idea is this:

Instead of just complaining about the problems of the "beauty standards" and entertainment industry, let's change it. Instead of looking to celebrities, fashion magazines, movies, music, media, cliques and peers to define ourselves, let's look somewhere else. Are you sick of watching the women and girls around you, hurting for truth? Breaking hearts from impurity? Suffering from chasing after the wrong kind of beauty? Do something about it.

Surrounded by friends and family who are interested in following Christ, I know I quickly become desensitized to the blessings of God. With a Bible by my bed, always there waiting to be opened, I can take truth for granted. (Do you remember how desperate you were without Christ's guidance? Do you recall how confused you felt?)

Others don't have that luxury. Some can't remember that moment the truth suddenly dawned on them, opening up their hearts to a breeze of joy--because it's never happened to them before. The truth hasn't hit home. Some young women do not realize that God has already spoken the answers to their questions about life and living.

In a world where we are assaulted by lies, someone needs to speak up.

The Change Starts...Now

Enough complaints have been made of the problems, and we've discussed the truth at length. We know the solution is Christ. Now's the time to put the solution on banners and run through the streets like raving lunatics on a mission. If we're genuinely passionate for the truth, why not? Now's the time to step out of our way to pray with that anxious friend; encourage the classmate suffering from depression; set a silent, godly example to the flirtatious junior higher next door. It's not exactly running with banners, but it is being faithful to Christ in small things.

Part One//Part Two//Questions to Consider//An Addendum
