Sunday, January 17, 2010
Thank You
Hi Everyone.
Hannah here. I just felt it would be right today to say "thank you" once more for your prayers, letters and support while my brother, Tyler was in the hospital. Today marks the one year anniversary of his accident.
Last night,we gathered as a family around the living room and shared our memories of the accident and the months in the hospital. It brought to my mind the first night, when Tyler was in emergency surgery, and my sisters and I were waiting it out at my grandparent's house. I remember flipping on my computer at 1am, unable to sleep, and reading your prayers already being posted here and on The Rebelution. The fact that total strangers could care so deeply about how my brother was doing--well, it's still something I struggle to wrap my mind around. My entire family felt your prayers, and we're so grateful to have experienced the love of the body of Christ.
Tyler is doing fine. It's amazing how thoroughly he has been healed. My dad's specific prayer during the whole time in the hospital was that God would "heal the wounds but leave the scars"--and that's come true for Tyler. His scars remind us of God's faithfulness, grace, and of the love you all showed us.
So thanks, every one of you, for praying. Let me know if I can ever return the favor.
Love in Christ,