Thursday, June 18, 2009
As We Meet New Highways...

As we're in Richmond, Virginia this week, preparing for our last conference of the summer, we've found ourselves completely devoid of theological post ideas. Instead, we wanted to catch you up on some of the not-so-conference related stuff we've done. To be more precise, we haven't done these things. They're more like situations that have come flying at us, making us want to run away screaming.
But we digress.
A week after Lindsey's arrival, word spread quickly through the household that a rattlesnake was in the backyard. Sure enough, as we all piled around the backyard fence to witness the excitement, we heard the whirring of the rattlesnake's tail. The snake was very ready to strike our dog and anyone else who ventured near, when Dad shot the trespasser.
Lindsey then posed for a very candid souvenir. (We may or may not have since discovered the snake was an endangered species...but that's not relevant.)
Only days later, we filed out of the car and into the hotel lobby in Washington, D.C. After less than twenty minutes in the city, we saw a man in front of us pull a gun on a woman who was attempting to hijack his car. The next day, Hannah and Naomi (our conference music leader) were chased through the streets by a stranger.
Why do we tell you these stories? Well...we don't really have a reason. Surely there is some didactic point we could pull out, but that could be very lame. So, we won't. We will highly recommend locking car doors and carrying pepper spray--but that's all we can come up with. We look forward to sharing some news/musings as these travels conclude and hope very much to meet some of you in person!