Saturday, June 13, 2009
Starting When You Look Up

"God knows you better than you know yourself. He knows just how small and frail you are. He knows you're just one person, and a tiny one at that. He knows all the things that you are not--and He made you that way for a purpose. That's why He has never asked you to be more than you are--little you with a great big God.
But God also is in touch with just how potent He is, desiring to do huge, God-sized things through you if you're ready to abandon the path of making more of self and embrace the miracle of being small, yet knowing His name.
It all starts when you look up."
-Louie Giglio, I Am Not But I Know I AM.
(Photo of nebula NGC 2818, taken by the Hubble telescope. It's 10,000 lightyears away from Earth.)