Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Update: Tyler Farver
"When I thought, 'My foot slips,' your steadfast love, O LORD, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul." (Psalm 94:18-19)We thought that those of you who have been praying so faithfully for my brother, Tyler, would like to know the very latest news. Yesterday, he was taken once again to the ER (for the third time this week) because of some concern over his drainage tube coming out.
Following more tests, Tyler was released from the hospital, but continued having intense nausea. This morning, a we received a phone call from his surgeon, requesting that Tyler immediately return to the hospital. (The surgeon suspects that something was missed in yesterday's tests.)
Now, Tyler is again in a hospital room, facing the possibility of having more tubes inserted (requiring surgery) and experiencing a painful déjà vu. After so many weeks at home, it's a disappointment to have to go back to the hospital. Please pray for endurance and peace. This has been a rough week.
Thank you so very, very much for praying for my brother. You are so kind to think of us. I'll try to continue posting updates as they come. God has been so gracious. We've been amazed at His marvelous works on our behalf. We know that whatever happens, He is good and right.
UPDATE: 4/18, 10:45 AM. Tyler is still in the hospital. Word is that he will remain there for observation until Monday. Last night he had a fever--which is concerning--but hopefully test results today will offer new insights.
REVISED: 4/19, 9:26 PM. Wonderful news! The surgeon told Tyler that there was no reason to continue keeping him at the hospital. Tyler has been discharged and is coming home earlier than expected. He's on the mend--which is amazing and miraculous when I think back to where we were only a couple of months ago.
Thanks for praying. You cannot know how much of a hope-boosting thing it has been for us to know our brothers and sisters in the Lord have lifted us up continually in prayer.
UPDATE: 6/23, 3:19 PM. Tyler received word from a specialist today that he will need another procedure this Thursday. Apparently the connection between his pancreas and stomach is blocked, which impedes further healing. The doctors are considering the possibility of another surgery--something we are praying will not need to happen. Another surgery would mean another huge incision across Tyler's abdomen, which also means virtually starting the entire healing process/hospital stay over again.
UPDATE: 6/30, 9:44 PM. Tyler is scheduled for surgery on Monday. The doctors on his case have agreed that surgery is the wisest plan. Tomorrow, Ty will return to the hospital for testing (to give the doctors as much information as possible preceding the operation). Then on Sunday, he'll will be re-admitted to the hospital in preparation for Monday's all-day surgery.
If you think of us, please be in prayer for Tyler and our family. Tyler is at peace with having another operation, but it's very tempting for all of us to give in to anxiety and discouragement.
"Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor? Or who has given a gift to Him that He might be repaid? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen."-Romans 11:33-36
UPDATE: 7/6, 7:14 PM. Tyler came out of surgery at about 5:00 PM today. He's still heavily sedated, but the surgeons say the operation went as smoothly as they expected. They will be monitoring him for infection, etc., but at the moment all looks well. Thanks for your prayers!
UPDATE: 7/11, 3:20 PM. Tyler seems to be recovering well. Already he is drinking juice and is hoping to eat as soon as Tuesday. The pain is still a struggle, but Ty is encouraged by the hope that he's approaching the end of hospital stays. The surgeons have said that all looks promising, and we're hoping Tyler's pancreas will soon show definite signs of healing.
UPDATE: 7/13, 5:50 PM. Praise report! Tyler is doing phenomenally well. While it looks like he'll be staying at the hospital longer than initially planned, his spirits are high and we're all pumped that he's looking so much better. I believe that today his last drainage tubes were removed and he's slowly beginning to eat some oatmeal. How exciting is that?
UPDATE: 8/18, 9:16 AM. Sorry, folks, for not updating sooner! Thank you for the reminders to do so. This morning, Tyler is at the hospital for his final procedure. Since his last surgery, he's done very well. He's back to eating normally and gaining back some of his old strength and energy. The healing process probably has some months to go yet, but we're so happy to see Tyler on the road to recovery.
Your continual prayers have been such a blessing!
(For previous updates on Tyler Farver's condition, click here.)