Friday, September 19, 2008

Free Book

Crazy Love is one of the most challenging/convicting books I've ever read. Francis Chan's message doesn't mince words: you're here on earth to glorify God by loving Him with abandon; and that love is an unconventional, radical, self-sacrificing servanthood that is literally crazy.

In fact, the only thing crazier than the devotion expected from us is the love God lavishes on undeserving sinners like you and me.

We're giving away this book free to the winner of our drawing (October 1st.) Just email us your name to be entered. Our address is contact.bfth [at]

Win or not, we hope you'll check into Crazy Love. Here's Pastor Chan's introduction to his book, courtesy of the ever-benevolent youtube.

As well as another video...

Note: Contest only open to U.S. residents. Contestants are welcome to enter once per day. The contest winner will be requested via email to send us their shipping address. If contest winner does not comply, contest winner does not receive foresaid prize. 'Tis the nature of the postal system.

Have you recently read any books that have impacted your view of God or the Christian life? We're always eager to hear about good books. Feel free to drop us a comment with your thoughts.