Friday, August 29, 2008

5 Reasons For Modesty

Choose Modesty. It Lasts Longer.

So, swallowing your conscience, you chose to wear the top that sticks just a teensy bit too close to your curves. The day is over. The top is in the laundry. What did you gain?

When I’ve stubbornly worn something in spite of the nagging feeling that it was immodest, at the end of the day, I haven’t been a bit better off than if had I worn something else. In fact, I’m worse off, because now I’m awash with conviction over thumbing my nose at the Holy Spirit.

In other words, disobedience doesn’t pay. While the pleasure may last for just a moment, when we receive some desired attention or like how the clothes accentuate us, the moment is fleeting.

Did Anyone Care?

I remember reading somewhere the words of a wise lady. She said that her husband advised her not to fuss over the approval of people: “Don’t worry about what others think, because honestly, they don’t think about you.” It’s true, and slightly embarrassing. How often have I fretted over the opinion of someone else, when I probably barely flitted passed their radar?

How long do you think others will be impressed by a particularly attractive, immodest set of clothes? Will they remember how good your body looked next month, or even next week? Not likely—unless it’s the kind of lustful image you don’t want sticking in someone’s mind. So what exactly is the benefit of dressing against our consciences, again anyway? It’s hard to remember.

Read the rest of the series here.
