Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Questioning Fashion?

Christa Taylor recently wrote on her blog, The Empowered Traditionalist,

Over dinner my Dad and I were talking about young men, and possible “turn-offs” in a young woman (namely myself). Because I am so constantly immersed in the fashion biz and environment I tend to dress in a more avante-garde manner. My father admonished me-
“Dressed super stylishly, you can send the wrong message. You want a guy attracted to your heart, so you dress yourself with good works. I don’t want guys attracted to my daughter for her figure.” After pointing out several items that he thought were pushing the envelope, I left nursing my pride. Later, of course, I found myself humbly grateful for his protecting intervention and told him so.
It was time to re-evaluate my heart. Some questions I posted by my dressing mirror:

  • Am I pushing the envelope?
  • Is this fashion honoring to God or myself?
  • Who am I dressing for? Whose attention do I desire and whose approval do I crave?
  • Why am I wearing what I’m wearing?
Check out the full post here.

These thoughts struck me and caused me to consider the purpose of fashion. Why do I dress fashionably? For my own satisfaction? Or with a heart wanting to please God? And, is it possible to dress fashionably without being vain?

What do you think?