Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Joy of Salvation

"We often think that faith is a recipe for getting what we want from God. If that were true, it would mean that if I could just muster enough faith, I would no longer be blind. But faith is not mean to offer an escape from life's difficulties; its purpose is to give us strength to endure them....

When you smash the last brick of your wall of bitterness with the hammer of gratitude, you will hear the echo of the words Jesus spoke to the leper: 'Your faith has made you well.'

Have you come back, thrown yourself at His feet, and thanked Him? Until you do, you'll never experience wellness that your faith can provide. To be reminded of God's great gift of salvation makes all other gifts pale in comparison. All of us who have received it need to come back to Jesus and throw ourselves before Him, praising and thanking Him loudly."

-Jennifer Rothschild, Lessons I Learned in the Dark