Wednesday, August 06, 2008

No Little People?

I feel small. No, not short. Small.

I scan the news and the campus and see people who are making an impact. They're culture shifters, trendsetters, attention-getters. I notice them when they come into a room; we all want to meet them. My sinful inclination is to desire what those people have: a following, influence, impact.

But I'm small, and my impact, influence, and following seem insignificant.

It's not that I yearn for the kind of fame here on earth that a politician or musician might get. I just want to be known as the guy who changed lives (thousands, preferably), who saved souls (again, thousands), or who started a revival in my country. I want to be a "big person." I don't want to be small and unused.

Check out the rest of Tim Sweetman's convicting and encouraging article on Boundless, No Little People.