Monday, September 01, 2008

5 Reasons For Modesty (Part Three)

Grab Your Stethoscope.

If choosing the modest outfit was a really, really, really tough decision, you may want to stop. And think. Grab your stethoscope and conduct a heart-check. What made doing the right thing so difficult? Perhaps it was hard because it was yet another battle with the flesh. Or, could it have been because you’ve been harboring in your heart a need to be noticed?

Consider, have you been reminded recently of God’s love for you as shown in the Gospel, and meditated on that love? Or have your thoughts been occupied with other inferior loves? Have you reminded yourself that the reason you’re even alive is to glorify your Maker, and nothing (including clothes) should stand in the way of His being glorified?

Please don’t take this as pointing fingers. I’m not trying to diagnose the heart problems of others. I’m only speaking of what I’ve learned from my own; and any moment when the flesh raises its ugly head is a prime occasion for some heart searching.

Is There More To You Than Meets the Eye?
Modesty says “yes.” It shows that there’s a deeper fiber in the girl than a yearning for attention, and more individuality than a need to accept each and every trend that bares itself on the runway. Modesty reflects that there are higher things than vanity on the priority list of the wearer.

And a lack of modesty reveals, well, more than just skin. It’s indicative of the heart. That is not to say that some girls are not naïve and need to learn about modesty, or simply need to remain vigilant in their clothing choices; but to those who know what is right and do otherwise-- that’s sin (according to James 4:17). And sin doesn’t start suddenly. It grows as an outshoot of our choices and thought-life. This begs the question, is that really what I want to communicated to others by what I'm wearing? And what about God?

Miss part 1 or 2? Oh, and be sure to catch the last part of this series, here.
