Thursday, September 04, 2008

5 Reasons for Modesty (Part Four)

Remember the Cross.

There is no better source of motivation to be faithful than the Cross of Christ. While on the Cross, Christ demonstrated the ultimate self-sacrificial love. He dragged Himself bleeding, bruised, with skin slashed open in dozens of places by the crack of a whip onto a hill--to be executed. Out of love. 1 Peter 2:21 says "For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you might follow in His steps."

Now consider—immodesty may feel benign to you, but it tempts your brothers in Christ to lust. This lust sticks in their mind, soiling their thought life and providing a literal physical, mental and spiritual struggle to gain control. These lustful thoughts distract and handicap their walk with the Lord.

As someone who is called to follow Christ self-sacrificially, following in His footsteps, what do you think the lovingest plan of action would be toward your brother? Toeing the line of decency? Waving temptation in front of his eyes? Or would it be placing his interests first, at regardless the toll it may take on personal vanity?

I know it's easy to forget. We've all made mistakes in the past in this area. But by God's grace, keeping our eyes on the Cross, we'll find the motivation to conquer our self interest and look out for the other guy. With this grace in mind, too, the battle of the will becomes only a toy-soldier skirmish.
