Thursday, November 30, 2006

I Do it for You

Ella, from Created to be a Help, has graciously granted permission to post her poem, "I Do it For You:"

They call me legalistic- “She’s gone too far”
But can I go too far in saving
My body for you?
I do it for you, my darling- I do it for you.

They say it’s unnecessary- “Who really cares?”
But lust is a very real struggle.
I’ll do it for my brothers-
I hope that my sisters will do it for you.
I will help you pursue purity, my dear- I do it for you.

Images of beauty, seductive fashions
They attract me-it would all be so easy
To give in.
Sometimes, I don’t want to stand out.
But I’ll choose the hard route for you, beloved- I do it for you.

They think I do it because I like to;
But how tempting the scanty clothes can look!
I want to look stunning, too!
But I’ll wait for you, my husband- I do it for you.

My King-
You have called me to honor You
My body has been bought with a price-
Your precious blood
So I will do it for you, Lord Jesus- I ultimately do it for You.

Please be sure to check out Ella's blog. It won't be a waste of time!
