Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Infanticide: The Cost of Apathy

"The Church of England has broken with tradition dogma by calling for doctors to be allowed to let sick newborn babies die.
Christians have long argued that life should preserved at all costs - but a bishop representing the national church has now sparked controversy by arguing that there are occasions when it is compassionate to leave a severely disabled child to die."
(The full article can be read here.)

This so-called Church "dogma" is a core principle of the Bible. Sanctity of life is not merely a teaching endorsed by the Church; it is a teaching established by God. As God's own precious Son spilled His life-blood for the sake of the eternal life of human beings, He declared that we were valuable to Him. These church members could not have missed this very clear teaching.

Too often pious, culture-smart, and sometimes very sincere church members give into apathy. Instead of vigorously defending Scripture, culture is allowed to dictate their decisions. Leonard Ravenhill said, "One of these days some simple soul will pick up the Book of God, read it, and believe it. Then the rest of us will be embarrassed."

We hope to discuss apathy and the importance of a Biblical worldview in future posts. We would love to hear your thoughts on this issue. What do you think about the Church of England's decision? What do you think about the importance of a Biblical worldview in general?
