Thursday, March 25, 2010
Pardon Whilst I Chew On This
Live-blogging True Woman 2010.
After an eventful taxi ride (in which Lindsey and I failed miserably at a trivia game with the driver), we arrived last night at the True Woman 2010, Chattanooga conference.
For me, this has been an incredible experience so far, especially as I've seen the common theme of humility randomly pop up in conversation and in the Pre-Conference Leadership session. God has been nudging my heart on this topic lately, particularly in how it relates to "diving for the bottom" (to quote a chat with Paula, another True Woman bloggette) and jumping at the chance to serve.
This last session, Nancy Leigh DeMoss pointed out that "we are never more like Jesus than we are serving." She explained that while we must first be Christ-centered and Gospel saturated, that theological understanding is meant to play out in our servanthood. Christ is most celebrated in us and put on display through us when give our time and energy to other people.
She also made the point that if we do not pray, it means that we lack humility, because we are depending upon ourselves rather than Christ. I'm not going to lie--that point was a zinger for me. My go-to excuse for not praying is usually "I just forgot" or "I've been so overwhelmed and busy," but those aren't really accurate. The truth is uglier--that I haven't handed over my fears to the Father because I want to handle them myself. My flesh doesn't want to trust God to provide and to govern.
Already, God has given me plenty to chew on. More notes, videos and thoughts should be coming your way soon.
Until then!