Monday, August 03, 2009

So You Wanna Get Married?

Preface: I don't know why I've stumbled over so many of these articles lately. For the curious, for the friends and family who I know secretly follow this blog, and for the sake of killing rumors before they start--no, I'm not in love.

There. Now I'm free to share with you all the delectable advice I've been mulling over.

Boundless' Girls Guide to Marrying Well.

Carolyn McCulley on Matchmaking (what I've always maintained is my spiritual gift...but haven't exactly proven myself there...yet.)

Lydia Brownback on Love & Risk.

Kevin DeYoung on God's will. (This message speaks strongly to guys, but has insight on God's will that is applicable for girls.)

So what are the 4 things? Read each one of these resources.