Wednesday, October 01, 2008

God Must Have Died

We've written a little bit on depression. The conclusion is unanimous: depression can infect anyone. Today I ran across this post from Strengthened by Grace (HT: Mommy Inc.), shedding light on heroes of the faith who also experienced "seasons in the dark." One part struck me in particular:

Martin Luther (1483–1546)

....On one particular occasion when he was greatly discouraged—which was not unusual for Luther—he was forcefully reminded of this by his wife, Katharine. Seeing him unresponsive to any word of encouragement, one morning she appeared dressed in black mourning clothes. No word of explanation was forthcoming, and so Luther, who had heard nothing of a bereavement, asked her, “Katharine, why are you dressed in mourning black?”

“Someone has died,” she replied.

“Died?” said Luther. “I have not heard of anyone dying. Whoever can have died?”

“It seems,” his wife replied, “that God must have died.”7

Read the rest, here.
