Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Around The Blogs In 80 Seconds...Really.

Can one write a blog post in 80 seconds? We’ll see. Clock starting...now.

Over at Zealous Endeavor, Brian Whalen tells of finding the glory of God in an unlikely place—a Calculus class.

Speed over to the Boundless blog and check out Suzanne Hadley’s thoughts. She says she’s sick of hearing about inner beauty to boost self esteem, and thinks that maybe if Christ were the focus, and not our self esteem, more inner beauty would exist. Hmm…food for thought.

If you live in the Indianapolis area, don’t forget to get tickets to The Rebelution’s Indianapolis conference this weekend.

Mission accomplished.

UPDATE: Whoops. I forgot to mention that Kristin will be at The Rebelution's Indy conference, so if you're attending, be sure to say "hi!"
