Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fun 'n Fellowshippin'

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us
encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. -Hebrews 10:24-25
Yesterday was Day #1 of the Girl's Bible Study that I am helping to lead during the lunch hour at our homeschool co-op. After sending out e-mails to every Jr. High to Highschool age girl, I recieved only one reply. My friend (who was co-leading it) and I both shrugged it off and figured that we would be having only a very small Bible study (This relieved my nerves as I had never led anything like this before. Only a few girls did not sound so intimidating! :-) ). Soon the girls began to trickle in for the Bible Study. First there were five, then fifteen, then almost thirty! I was so amazed at the turnout.

The study went well (the topic for the day was "being devoted to God.") Several of the girls shared their hearts and it was very sweet to hear their different testimonies of how the Lord had worked in their lives.

I realized after the Bible Study of the great opportunity older girls have to help guide our younger sisters in Christ. I do not think we usually realize how much power we have. As older girls, the younger ones often look up at us for example. Often, we are unconsciously setting an example for them. I feel shame as I consider all of the times in which I behaved irresponsibily and did not consider how my actions might effect the people watching me.

We are all constantly being bombarded by deceptive philosophies that try to undermine the truth that God has shown us. Still, we can help have this opportunity to help lead and encourage our sisters in Christ to draw nearer to Him and to stand on this truth. Let's not waste this opportunity.

I would appreciate prayer for the hearts of these girls at the Bible Study and that God would give the other leaders and I the right words to say.
If you need prayer in anything, please let me know! I'd love to pray for you!