Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I was playing with the blog template and was trying to add on to the sidebar when I accidentally corrupted the template. (Oops.) I do not have the faintest idea of how it happened....I guess this goes to show what happens when I mess with things I know very little about.

I'll try to work on it today and find the problem, but for now, this template will have to do.
Please be patient with me!

Also, if you have not yet checked out Regenerate Our Culture, hop to it! Its officially launching the magazine tomorrow!

UPDATE: Kristin has saved the day! There are a few icons and links to be fixed and checked again, but we're nearly done.

(Newer) UPDATE: The site has been completely restored, thanks to Kristin and everything is fully operational. We should have some new posts coming within the next few days. Thanks for bearing with us!