Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A Flurry of Announcements!

Hello Everyone!
Long time, no see, eh? In spite of having a very fruitful blog hiatus, I'm very eager to get back to posting here. However, there are several changes to Beauty from the Heart that I would like to update you on.

  • Contributor. This is the most important change that I have to announce, and it is one that I am most excited about. Many of you might have visited Daughter of the King. It is a fairly new blog on the block, but a very well articulated one. Lindsey, the owner of the blog, states that her chief desire is to glorify God in all that she does, and this is reflected in her posts. I had the pleasure of talking with her on the phone and I am very pleased to announce that she has graciously agreed to become Beauty from the Heart's newest contributor! I cannot wait to read her first post!

  • Feed. If you are currently subscribed to our old feed, I would like to welcome you to the year 2006! Our old RSS feed is a thing of the past. Its time to update! On our sidebar there is a link to the new-and-improved RSS feed.
  • Frappr Map. Also on our sidebar is the link to our Frappr Map. I really enjoy looking at these things (not just because I'm a geography buff...okay, that might have a lot to do with it) because it shows the general vicinity in which each reader is located. Please be sure to sign the map!

  • Post Frequency. Though all of the contributors to this blog like contributing, we also have a lot on our plates right now (school, school, school, etc.) so at times, posts may be few and far between. If you ever have any post ideas or guest posts that you would like to submit, please email us!
  • Something else really neat! Regenerate Our Culture is a new organization/web-magazine (or webzine, if you will) launching onto the internet today. Their purpose is "regenerating our nation’s worldview away from the post-modernism holding it and back to the Christian worldview it was first built on." Kristin has worked tirelessly on this project and has had a great part in founding the organization. Please check it out!
Anyways, we hope to have some new posts up within the next few days! Thank you for visiting!

May the love of our Lord be with you,
(...for Kristin and Lindsey too!)