Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Books and nominations

Thanks to all of you who have recommended your favorite books! Within the next few days, we should hopefully have some sort of list up soon. But no promises. The homeschool blog awards have taken up much of my time these past few days.

Speaking of which...

Beauty from the Heart (or Feminine Beauty) has been nominated for Best Team/Group Blog and we're thrilled. If you haven't heard yet, Spunky Homeschool (my mom) is hosting the first annual Homeschool Blog Awards for 2005.

Anyways - we'd appreciate our readers to head on over and vote for Feminine Beauty in that category. And while you're at it, we'd also encourage you to vote for Rhetorical Response in the best arts category. Her blog is awesome and we really enjoy reading it! There were many other wonderful blogs that were nominated also...well, we can't say it enough: get on over there and vote!

Posted by Kristin.

P.S - posting will hopefully pick up within the next few days...