Wednesday, January 12, 2011
A Certain Book, Life, Etc.

I. feel. so. guilty.
To say that this blog has been neglected would not only be a nod to Captain Obvious, but a depressing admission I haven't wanted to make.
So I'm not going to say it. (You know the truth.)
What's been going on? I'm at Patrick Henry College in Northern Virginia. Lindsey is at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Our Texan/Californian selves (respectively) are getting to know snow pretty well.
We've continued to write for Revive Our Heart's Lies Young Women Believe (and the Truth that Sets Them Free) blog.
Some recent posts:
The Day of Small Things
The Power of Encouragement
Bring On The Wonder
Truth About Insecurity
Last, but not least, my book (!!!!!!!!--and one more exclamation point for good measure--!) is coming out this Spring. Yeah. Kinda looking forward to that. :)
Hoping to keep you a little more faithfully updated.
Much love,
Hannah (for Lindsey, too)