Monday, May 04, 2009

Book Giveaway

Every Friday for the next three weeks, we'll be giving away a copy of John Ensor's excellent book, Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart--courtesy of Crossway Books.

“John Ensor provides a radically biblical alternative to the supposed wisdom of our age. Though sometimes raw, frank, and frustrated, Ensor is always sanctified and often poetic. He celebrates differences, bringing into clear focus the oft-disputed fact that God created men and women to be equal and symmetrical but not identical....”-Tim Challies,

Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart defines and describes biblical masculinity and femininity for single adults. I would also encourage those who are married to read it. John Ensor is a creative and theologically astute writer. I have thanked him for writing this book and you will too.” -C. J. Mahaney, Sovereign Grace Ministries

About the Book:
John Ensor 's little book tackles several enormous topics--and does so with Scripture, Shakespeare quotes, and uncommonly good sense. (It was his book we quoted in our recent post, "What Then Happens.") I would wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who wants clarification on purity, relationships, and the different roles of men and women; however, due to the maturity of some of the subject matter, I could only feel confident recommending it to older teens. If you fit that category though, don't let my caveat deter you from reading. This book is now officially a beloved member of my bookshelf.

Want To Win a Copy?
We're trying something new for this book giveaway. To enter, simply link to on your blog and email us the link. Your name will then be entered in a drawing for the book. Mention our conferences on your blog as well, and we'll enter your name twice (doubling your chances of winning.)

Don't have a blog? You can still enter in the drawing. Just shoot an email about to a few friends, forward us the email, and we'll add your name to the drawing entries. (Mention our conferences in your email and we'll include your name in the drawing twice.) All entries can be emailed to contact[at]

Note: Contest only open to U.S. residents. Contestants are welcome to enter once per day. The contest winner will be requested via email to send us their shipping address. If contest winner does not comply, contest winner does not receive foresaid prize. 'Tis the nature of the postal system.

Have you recently read any books that have impacted your view of God or the Christian life? We're always eager to hear about good books. Drop us a comment with your recommendations!