Friday, December 19, 2008

Listen Online!

Highlights from the True Woman 2008 conference (which featured such speakers as John Piper, Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Mary Kassian) have been posted on the True Woman website.

For me, Mrs. Kassian's lecture was particularly insightful. As I never saw the rise of the feminist movement, I can't remember (or fully imagine) life before its cultural thumbprint. Mrs. Kassian traced the path of feminism by comparing women in TV shows from Mrs. Cleaver ("Leave it To Beaver") to thoroughly modern women of "Sex in the City." Wow. What a change! Her examples stood as a reminder to form our ideas of womanhood from scripture--not on a degenerating cultural view of femininity.

Now, there's your teaser! Sync the message to an iPod, burn to a CD, or listen online here.