Thursday, November 20, 2008

Apple Cider Chai Recipe

I love my chai. Most chai we drink in the States is (from what I've heard) Americanized and very unlike the original spiced Indian tea. But authentic or not, it's good stuff. With the weather cooling down, I thought I'd post a link to a chai recipe along with a fun spin on the drink.

Apple Cider Chai

  • Heat 1/2 cup chai (or one chai teabag, which are available at most grocery stores and coffee shops)
  • Combine with 1/2 cup hot apple juice
  • Add in a dash of cinnamon and/or cloves to taste
This makes one cup of Apple Cider Chai. Following the same ratio (1/2 chai, 1/2 apple cider), its easy to make an entire crock pot full of the drink for large groups and parties. (Caramel is also a wonderful addition!)

Note: Last year, my family and I made a huge amount of chai mix, using powdered ingredients only. (Sugar, cinnamon, cardamum, powdered ginger, black tea, pepper, powdered milk.) We gave the mix out to friends and relatives during Christmas time.

Do you have any favorite drink recipes?