Monday, October 27, 2008

Willful Ignorance

Scandalous beauty,

Richest disgrace.

Deepest of passion,

No bloodier face.

I cannot bear to look.

I cannot bear...

I grab my coffee and

pull on my clothes and

brush my teeth and

brush my hair and

start the car and

lose my keys and

find my keys and

breathe a prayer and

run a light and...

stumble into bed.

Stop. Tears.

Where is my God?

Where is my friend?

Where is my zeal?

I need it again.

'Hush, hush, beloved.

Don't cry.'

I cannot bear to look.

I cannot bear...

'What must you now bear

That has not been borne?

Ye have not because ye ask not

Has the veil not been torn?'

I must look.

I must...

But won't it cause me pain?

'Daughter and Bride,

Look at what you'll gain!'

I look

And see

Infinity pierced.

My Maker on a tree

And I wonder...

As He opened my eyes

At the stubborn, selfish plea

My God cried,

'Remember Me.'
