Friday, June 06, 2008

Book Giveaway

For this next entire week, Lindsey and I will be in Alabama for a speech tournament. We're excited. Not only will we be seeing each other again, but speech tournaments tend to give us lots of opportunities to talk, which is the other thing (besides writing) that we just love to do. (What can we say? We're girls.)

But let's get to the punch line. I'm sure you're wondering about the title of this post, and if I were you, I'd have already skipped through all the above fluff to reach this paragraph. A book giveaway? What's that about?

At the end of this coming week, Lindsey and I will be giving away a copy of one of the books that has been pivotal in our lives. Living the Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney has been read over and over, with quotes underlined, highlighted and pages dog-eared. Don't worry. The contest winner won't be receiving our well-worn editions.

The winner of this contest will be receiving a brand new copy. Free.

So how do you enter? Simply email us (contact.bfth[Remove_SPAM] your name and the email address at which we can reach you. Then you'll be entered into a drawing, which will decide the book giveaway winner.

Note: Contest only open to U.S. residents. Contestants are welcome to enter once per day. The contest winner will be requested via email to send us their shipping address. If contest winner does not comply, contest winner does not receive foresaid prize. 'Tis the nature of the postal system.
