Tuesday, January 08, 2008

To Austenites & Rebelutionaries

Jane Austen lovers will be happy to discover that PBS is broadcasting for the first time her complete works. (HT: Radical Womanhood) That's right--new adaptions of Persuasion, Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey, Sense & Sensibility, as well the BBC versions of Emma and Pride & Prejudice. I'm typing faster just at the thought!

Having never read Mansfield Park or Northanger Abbey, I'm not sure if they're any good. Has anyone else read the books or know the plot?) A schedule of showtimes is available on the PBS website.

Lindsey's just back in town from a speech tournament and I'm heading out for one. Posts may be scattered in the near future, but we're hoping to be back on track soon. Have a great week!

Until then,
