Wednesday, January 16, 2008

No, We Didn't Have A Fight (...And Other News)

All good things must come to an end. Kristin Braun, a co-founder of this blog, has discovered that her season of writing here has passed. (No, we didn't have a fight.) As we've mentioned in the past several posts, God has been ever so surely revealing His will for our respective futures. The same goes for Kristin.

I'll let her explain in her own words:

God has taught me so much this semester through situations He has placed me in. Unfortunately, blogging dropped significantly in my priorities since I had professors and managers constantly expecting papers, math homework and high sales production. I recently started a new semester and continue to work. Next year, I am hoping to transfer to the University of Michigan and study History and English. Because of this new season that God has placed me in, I feel that I can no longer blog here at Beauty from the Heart. God has been focusing my attentions elsewhere and it will be exciting to see where He leads. Beauty from the Heart remains very dear to me as do my good friends Hannah and Lindsey. I will miss sharing a blog with them, but it is time to move on.

Currently, I do not have another blog home and I don't foresee starting (or joining) another soon. Perhaps God has another space for me on the internet, but that time isn't now. Like many college students, however, I have a Facebook and if you'd like to add me, feel free to do so. (Please just include a small message letting me know you're a reader!)

The second piece of news is also a bit of a bombshell. Hannah is writing a book. This is actually old news--as it's been a work in progress for nearly two years. We have realized that although blogging is a powerful tool, there are many who don't peruse this neighborhood of the blogosphere. A much wider realm exists in which girls have never even heard of purity, modesty, and femininity.

What is more, many Christian girls feel alone. Even in churches and Christian schools there exists a challenge to find friends with similar convictions. In our opinion, if edifying friends cannot be found, then at least, edifying books should be our companions. Sadly, we have only found a few books written for young women to be truly helpful.

The problem is too big for us to patch up alone; but we do want to be a part of the remedy. The goal of Hannah's book is to do just that. Right now, we are seeking publishers/agents to represent her book. If you have tips or recommendations or suggested contacts, please email us. We'd love to hear from you. Most of all, we would be so grateful for your prayers.

Also, I'm afraid our blogroll is out of date. (Bluntly, it's so 2007.) Email us with your blog addresses and we'll consider adding them to our list.

May God bless!

Hannah and Lindsey
